1. 11월 FOMC 의사록 주요 내용
- 구성원 전원, 현재 통화정책은 경기와 물가에 하방 압력을 가하는 제약적인 수준. 또한, 최근 몇 달 사이 금융 환경도 상당히 긴축적으로 변화
(Participants judged that the current stance of monetary policy was restrictive and was putting downward pressure on economic activity and inflation. In addition, they noted that financial conditions had tightened significantly in recent months.)
- 일부(some) 구성원, 그들 관할 지역에서의 소비자 수요는 미국 전역 지표 대비 약화
(Some participants commented that their District contacts reported a somewhat weaker picture of consumer demand than indicated by the incoming aggregate data.)
- 몇몇(several) 구성원, 예상치를 상회하는 소비 지표의 지속은 강력한 소비 모멘텀이 이어질 수 있음을 보여줌
(Several participants, however, noted ㅏㅑㅐthat repeated upside surprises in the aggregate spending data could indicate that considerable momentum could be sustained.)
- 일부(some) 구성원, 기업들은 채용 여건과 공급망 환경이 개선되었고 투입 비용이 감소하는 중
(Some participants noted that businesses were benefiting from an increased ability to hire and retain workers, better-functioning supply chains, or reduced input cost pressures.)
- 몇몇(several) 구성원, 점점 더 많은 기업들이 금리인상에 영향을 받기 시작
(Several participants noted that an increasing number of District businesses were reporting that higher interest rates were affecting their businesses or that firms were increasingly cutting or delaying their investment plans because of higher borrowing costs and tighter bank lending conditions.)
- 일부(a few) 구성원, 팔레스타인 사태 발발 이후 변동성이 커지던 에너지 시장은 진정되었음
(Regarding the energy sector, a few participants observed that energy markets had calmed after significant volatility at the start of the current armed conflict between Israel and Hamas.)
- 구성원 전원, 노동시장 수급 상황은 계속해서 개선 중
(Nevertheless, participants assessed that labor supply and labor demand were continuing to come into better balance.)
- 일부(a few) 구성원, 여성과 이민자들의 경제활동 참여 증가는 현실적으로 지속 가능하지 않을 수 있음
(A few participants expressed concern that the recent pace of increases in labor supply might not be sustainable in light of challenges regarding the availability of childcare and the uncertainty regarding the extent to which immigration would continue to boost the growth of labor supply.)
- 구성원 전원, 명목 임금 상승률도 완만해지는 중
(Consistent with the gradual rebalancing of labor market conditions, participants commented that the pace of nominal wage increases had continued to moderate.)
- 구성원 전원, 물가가 2%로 돌아오고 있다는 더욱 확실한 증거가 필요
(Participants stressed that they would need to see more data indicating that inflation pressures were abating to be more confident that inflation was on course to return to 2 percent over time.)
- 구성원 전원, 경기 상방 리스크는 강력한 소비 모멘텀 지속. 하방 리스크는 누적된 긴축 정책 효과, 정부 셧다운, 학자금 대출 상환 재개 등
(Participants generally noted a high degree of uncertainty surrounding the economic outlook. As upside risks to economic activity, participants noted that the factors behind the resilience in spending could persist longer than expected. As downside risks, participants cited the possibility that the effects on households and businesses of the cumulative policy tightening and tighter financial conditions could be larger than expected, disruptions from a potential government shutdown, and the possibility that the resumption of student loan repayments could weigh on household spending by more than was expected.)
- 몇몇(several) 구성원, 필요시 시중 은행들이 연준의 유동성 창구를 사용할 수 있도록 대비태세를 확립해 놓아야 함
(In addition, several participants emphasized the need for banks to establish readiness to use Federal Reserve liquidity facilities and for the Federal Reserve to ensure its own readiness to provide liquidity during periods of stress.)
2. 11월 FOMC 의사록 주요 내용 (기준금리)
- 구성원 전원, 물가 목표 달성 시까지 통화정책은 충분히 긴축적으로 유지되어야 함
(In discussing the policy outlook, participants continued to judge that it was critical that the stance of monetary policy be kept sufficiently restrictive to return inflation to the Committee's 2 percent objective over time.)
- 구성원 전원, 지금부터는 신중한 정책 결정이 필요한 때
(All participants agreed that the Committee was in a position to proceed carefully and that policy decisions at every meeting would continue to be based on the totality of incoming information and its implications for the economic outlook as well as the balance of risks.)
- 구성원 전원, 필요시 추가 인상 가능성 배제하지 않을 것
(Participants noted that further tightening of monetary policy would be appropriate if incoming information indicated that progress toward the Committee's inflation objective was insufficient.)
3. 11월 FOMC 의사록 주요 내용 (QT)
- 구성원 전원, 대차대조표 축소는 지속되는 것이 적절
(All participants agreed that it was appropriate to continue the process of reducing the Federal Reserve's securities holdings, as described in the previously announced Plans for Reducing the Size of the Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet.)
- 구성원 전원, 대차대조표 축소는 거시 정책 운영에서도 중요한 부분
(Participants also observed that the continuing process of reducing the size of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet was an important part of the overall approach to achieving their macroeconomic objectives.)
- 몇몇(a few) 구성원, 추후 기준금리가 인하되더라도 자산 축소는 지속될 수 있음
(A few participants noted that the process of balance sheet runoff could continue for some time, even after the Committee begins to reduce the target range for the federal funds rate.)
- 몇몇(several) 구성원, 최근 RRP 잔고 감소는 연준의 대(對) 시장 창구 또는 시설이 시장 상황에 맞게 돌아가고 있음을 보여줌
(Several participants commented on the recent decline in the use of the ON RRP facility, noting that the use of the facility had been responsive to market conditions.)
4. 11월 FOMC 의사록 주요 내용 (금리 상승)
- 구성원 전원, 최근 장기 국채 금리가 크게 상승하면서 금융 환경도 상당히 긴축적으로 변화
(Participants noted that in recent months, financial conditions had tightened significantly because of a substantial run-up in longer-term Treasury yields, among other factors.)
- 많은(many) 구성원, 장기 금리 상승은 주로 기간 프리미엄 상승에 기인
(Many participants observed that a range of measures suggested that the rise in longer-term yields had been driven primarily or substantially by a rise in the term premiums on Treasury securities.)
- 구성원 전원, 국채 공급이 이전 대비 증가할 것이고, 정책 불확실성이 커진 점이 기간 프리미엄 상승 요인으로 작용
(Participants generally viewed factors such as a fiscal outlook that suggested greater future supply of Treasury securities than previously thought and increased uncertainty about the economic and policy outlooks as likely having contributed to the rise in the term premiums.)
- 일부(some) 구성원, 견조한 경기와 중립 금리 상승, 이로 인한 기준금리 추가 인상 전망도 장기 금리 상승 요인일 가능성
(Some participants noted that the rise in longer-term yields may also have been driven by expectations for a higher path of the federal funds rate in light of the surprising resilience of the economy or a possible rise in the neutral policy rate.)
- 구성원 전원, 향후 장기 금리 흐름에 변동성이 확대될 수 있음. 상승 요인들이 지속적인 영향을 미칠지 불분명하기 때문
(Participants highlighted that longer-term yields could be volatile and that the factors behind the recent increase, as well as their persistence, were uncertain.)
- 구성원 전원, 무엇이 되었든 금리 상승 관련 금융 환경 변화는 통화정책에 영향을 미칠 수 있음
(However, they also noted that, whatever the source of the rise in longer-term yields, persistent changes in financial conditions could have implications for the path of monetary policy and that it would therefore be important to continue to monitor market developments closely.)
5. 의사록 내용 요약
- 펀더멘털: 현재 통화정책은 경기, 물가, 금융환경에 하방 압력을 가하는 긴축적인 수준
- 가계와 기업: 금리 인상 영향받기 시작
- 고용: 완화 중
- 물가: 여전히 증거 부족
- 금리 상승: 기간 프리미엄 상승 때문. 지속 상승 여부는 불투명. 뭐가 되었든 통화정책에 영향을 준 것은 사신
- 기간 프리미엄 상승: 1) 국채 공급 증가, 2) 정책 불확실성 증가, 3) 기준금리 추가 인상 우려
- 기준금리: 지켜봐야 할 때지만 추가 인상 당연히 가능
- QT: 순조롭게 진행 중. 기준금리 인사 시점 오더라도 지속될 수 있음
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